Top Suggestions for Google Suggest A-Z

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I was curious… Who gets to be the top result on Google for the letters in the alphabet A through Z? And does that influence how much traffic they get? Well I can’t answer the second question, but here are the answers to the first :

Google’s Suggestions for A-Z

  • amazon
  • bank of america
  • craigslist
  • ebay
  • facebook
  • gmail
  • hotmail
  • ikea
  • jcpenny
  • kohls
  • lowes
  • myspace
  • netflix
  • office depot
  • pandora
  • quotes
  • southwest airlines
  • target
  • usps
  • verizon wireless
  • walmart
  • xbox 360
  • youtube
  • zillow

Google Suggest for 0-9

  • 0 balance transfer
  • 14th amendment
  • 2012
  • 30 rock
  • 4chan
  • 500 days of summer
  • 60 minutes
  • 7zip
  • 80’s fashion
  • 90210

Google Suggest for other random characters

  • @ properties
  •  _server
  • .net framework

Do these results match up with yours or are they being tailored to my profile? (I live in Australia.)

Also, can you find any other random character suggestions I’ve missed?

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